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                      一, The assembly mechanics

                      Job Responsibilities:

                      With electronic knowledge, mechanical and electrical integration graduate. Engaged in electrical and electronic, fitter, electrical equipment assembly more than 1 year work experience. Has a long-term stability plan hiring priority, well-paid, probationary period after turning around five insurance. Meal supplement during work.

                      Job requirements:

                      Engaged in electrical and electronic, fitter, electrical equipment assembly more than 1 year work experience. Has a long-term stability plan hiring priority, well-paid, probationary period after turning around five insurance.

                      二, The domestic sales manager

                      Job Responsibilities:

                      Responsible for the regional market research, development, and channel construction, with the ability to independently operate the project

                      Job requirements:

                      Have a certain work experience, with experience in channel development, can endure hardship. Have tenacity.

                      三, International trade salesman

                      Job Responsibilities:

                      1, Responsible for the company's products (engraving machine, laser machine, plasma cutting machine, marking machine) sales and promotion;

                      2, According to the marketing plan to complete departmental sales targets;

                      3, Develop new markets, develop new customers, increase product sales range;

                      4, Responsible for the area of market information collection and analysis of competitors;

                      5, Responsible for the planning and execution of the sales activities in the sales area to complete the sales tasks;

                      6, Management and maintenance of customer relationships and long-term strategic cooperation between customers.

                      Job requirements:

                      1, Good professionalism and professional ethics

                      2, Work rigorous, sincere, good character, strong affinity, strong understanding, communication skills;

                      3, Familiar with the foreign trade operation process

                      4, Familiar with product-related industry knowledge

                      5, Have work experience, can be an independent order

                      Copyright ? 2018 All Rights Reserved Jinan Minglan CNC Equipment Co., Ltd 魯ICP備18001042號-1


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